Hey y’all! This is my blog! Here I will talk about- anything! My life, the book I’m working on, and anything I care to share. So let’s get started!
So as anyone in New England knows, right now I’m without power. A severe snowstorm hit, snowing 22” (in October, I know! Welcome to New England.) and caused some deaths and much damage. Luckily we have a generator we got after the ice storm of ’08 so I can run my computer. But I must be brief.
First off, I’m starting NaNoWriMo! That’s short for National Novel Writing Month. The idea is you write a novel, or rather 50,000 words, in thirty days! Tough? You bet it is. Worth it? All the way. This is too short a notice of course, but you go to the website, make an account, and then start planning! They’ll help you out. If you ever do it, I suggest you get out the book, No Plot? No Problem! written by the Founder a month in advance to tell you all about it. He’s got great tips and all the rules. (However, take caution, not recommended for children under thirteen.)
However, against all the rules, I am not starting a new book, despite all their warnings, I am working on the one I am currently writing. Why? Well, all those people I have it promised to that are on my back would never forgive me, and I really can’t get distracted. And, furthermore, this is actually the perfect solution to my problem! See, as the founder himself describes it, it’s the kick in the pants I’ve needed to just get on with it! I’ve been so wrapped up in not taking anything less than genius on the first try, I’ve become discouraged and given up easily. But he explains that for the first draft just settle for quantity over quality. You can edit later, and it’s so much easier and more fun. And since it’s just an innate sense in any writer, it makes you feel like a genius when you can rewrite a sentence to be brilliant in one try!
So I suggest all you who want to get that special book you’ve been boiling in your mind for the past five years out look into that.
So, interesting news, Halloween has been cancelled in my town! See, we have it all down main street, but what with the power out and the sidewalks covered in snow, it has been postponed to Thursday. What am I going as? I won’t tell you.