My Journal

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More POV talk

An in-depth talk about POV from Doctor Bowman, an editor friend of mine.   ‘Third-person past-tense is the go-to form, because that’s how we usually talk to one another when relating stories.  First and second person are used for particular instances,...


Why do you want to write a book?  This is a crucial question.  If you find the answer(s), you will be able to focus and increase your love of writing. What’s my reason?  Well, there are several really, varying in importance.  First of all, I can’t help...

The road to perfection…

…is LONG.  Very, very long.  Think of any famous author.  Lord of the Rings took years to write and complete.  The world of Middle-earth has to be the most intricate, complex, and real world ever put to paper, and this huge world wasn’t made in one day. ...

How To Write A Book In Five Challenging Steps

Step One: Outline your basic idea You should have some sort of basic idea about what you want to write about.  For instance, you want to write a book about the experience of an orphan moving into a new home.  So refine this rough and raw idea into a more polished form...


An important decision in writing your book is POV, or point of view.  There’s first person (I), second person (you), and third person (he/she).  To note, you really shouldn’t use second person.  That’s only for those ‘choose the...

Hey, check this out!

Here’s a link to some very good advice on writing!  Check it out! I’d like to make my own comments on their advice: They make very good points and suggestions about many things, but I feel that they put...