My Journal

journal entries sorted

Bubble Syndrome

Every writer has their own strengths and weaknesses, but when it comes to beginning writers, there’s one thing they usually have in common.  They more often than not suffer from what I call bubble syndrome (which plagued the first draft of Dragon’s Heart-...

Blank Paper

I learned a new trick recently, and I thought I should share it with you.  I was revising a particular part of my climax and getting really frustrated.  I knew it really needed a big change, but however I worked at it, I couldn’t seem to fix it.  I tried taking...

Writing good sentences

There are five things you need to write good sentences.  They are: Imagination- clearly picture what your characters are doing so you can describe it in a way that’s easy to understand Large Vocabulary- vary your words to avoid repetition and pick the best word...

Location, location, location…

Let’s face it: writer’s block is hard and takes (what feels like) an eternity to work through.  However, a surprisingly easy and effective way of working past mild bouts of lack of inspiration is to simply change where you write.  If you usually work in a...

Passive Sentences

Somehow passive sentences are like the plague: to be avoided at all costs.  That’s what everyone tells you anyway.  However, for myself, I don’t quite see it that way.  They are not to be preferred, that’s for sure, but avoided at all costs?  No, not...

Committing time to writing

For the longest time I found it hard to commit time in my day to writing, and in some ways I still do.  However, I finally learned that I’m really creative at night.  After dinner something just happens to my brain and I go crazy!  It’s like, ‘okay,...