My Journal

NaNo Victory!

I’ve done it!  I’ve written 50,000 words!!  Victory!!!!

I am so happy.  This is just awesome.  And there are definitely some rough spots in the novel, and some things that make no sense, but overall I am quite pleased.  It came out much better than I ever anticipated.  There were some things I were worried about, but they all worked out in the end.  In any case, I may spend some time this weekend writing a little more in a chapter I sort of skimmed over, but after that it is back to my normal, “sane” life, and I will not be picking up this book again until next year (that is, after Christmas).  Interestingly enough, writing this book really gave me some new perspective on Season of Betrayal and just what I want to do with it.  I am super (I mean, like, extremely, insanely, obsessively) excited to start editing it again, especially the climax.  I guess fifteen days of no editing, just writing, really made me appreciate editing again.

Well, I hope your NaNoing is going well, and I will post again soon!